What Blueberry treats

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Blueberry can help with and treat many symptoms and childhood illnesses:
  • Colds
  • Coughs
  • Sinus infections
  • Rashes
  • Hives
  • Sunburns
  • Pink Eye
  • Breastfeeding
  • Cuts & Scrapes
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Strep ***
  • Fevers
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Allergies
  • Cellulitis
  • Ear Infections *
  • Runny Nose
  • General Questions
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Stings & Bites
  • UTIs **
  • and more
Blueberry is not a replacement for your primary care provider. We recommend you go to your child’s PCP for:
  • Wellness visits & school/sport physicals
  • Chronic condition management
  • Illnesses or issues requiring bloodwork or x-rays
  • Specialist referrals
  • Vaccines
  • ADHD management
  • Illnesses requiring stool samples
* In order to treat ear infections, Blueberry's Pediatricians require video of your child's ear drums. Our home medical kit includes a smart earscope which can be used to record these videos. Note that we may not be able to treat ear infections until your kit arrives.

** If Blueberry Pediatricians suspect a UTI, they will order urine culture labs. The results return in 24 hours, which will then be used to treat UTIs. Blueberry can provide up to 90% discounts for these labs.

*** Blueberry Pediatricians will treat strep if an at-home rapid strep test is positive. Contact help@blueberrypediatrics.com to get recommendations on at-home rapid strep tests.

What's included

  • Unlimited 24/7 care
    Get help with anything, big or small
  • Wireless ear scope
    Perform at-home ear/nose/throat exams
  • Pulse oximeter
    Assess heartrate, oxygen, and breathing
  • Oral thermometer
    Quick, and with a flexible tip -just in case you don't have one at home
  • Forehead thermometer
    Annual Memberships Only
    1-second readings and easy to use
  • Digital Rx savings card
    Save up to 80% on medications
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Risk Free. Cancel Anytime.
Blueberry Pediatrics Medical Kit for 24/7 Pediatric Care Service in USA

Common questions

We know you’ll love Blueberry, but to make the decision an easy one, we offer a satisfaction guarantee so you can join today without the worry. There’s enough worrying parents have to do already!

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For Physicians
How much does Blueberry cost?
For Physicians
Is Blueberry really available 24/7? What about holidays?
For Physicians
What can Blueberry Pediatrics treat?
For Physicians
Can Blueberry prescribe medications?
For Physicians
If I sign up for Blueberry but don't like it, can I get a refund?
For Physicians
I have insurance, is Blueberry still a good option for my family?
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Can I purchase a Blueberry Membership as a gift for someone else?
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What level of ROI will I see from working with Karpi Studio?
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What level of ROI will I see from working with Karpi Studio?
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For Physicians
What level of ROI will I see from working with Karpi Studio?