Reduce ED visits by 47% with Blueberry

Adult Telemedicine doesn't work for kids. Blueberry is designed specifically for children, leading to 10x the engagement and incredible cost-saving outcomes.

47% ED cost reduction validated by claims data in partnership with Florida Health Plan
Built for kids
Telemedicine not specialized in Pediatrics refer children to urgent care and ER 3x as often as needed because they lack the expertise and at home diagnostic tools.
Coordinated care
We acts a partner to PCP’s. Records are delivered to the patient’s PCMH to enable effective followups. 70% of utilization is on nights and weekends when offices are closed.
Engage and prevent
Improve outcomes and HEDIS scores by sending timely interventions and preventative health messages when families are primed for communication.

How can we reduce ED visits by 47%?

Families use Blueberry 10x more than other telemedicine services, giving Blueberry the opportunity to properly triage and handle cases without referring to ED / Urgent Care.

Medical Kit

50% of pediatric illness require home diagnostics to avoid unnecessary ER

Gold-Standard NPS

As a consumer brand, our quality is higher than other telemedicine services


20% monthly utilization rate is 10-12x higher than traditional telemedicine.

ED Triage

Blueberry successfully triages 95% of cases away from Urgent Cares/EDs.

"Blueberry Pediatrics helps our members get the quality care their children deserve, when they need it, and from a location that's convenient for them. It's also a huge relief knowing that Blueberry's 24/7 care means they can avoid that scary 1am ED visit if it's not necessary and go back to sleep with peace of mind"

"Blueberry has helped us drive financial savings for health plan partners, while generating positive clinical outcomes for covered services.”