Using your home medical kit

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Your medical kit can be used to perform a basic examination and record your child's vitals, drastically improving your Blueberry Pediatrician's ability to diagnose and treat many common childhood illnesses.

Choose a device you would like help with:

Setting up your pulse oximeter

Your pulse oximeter is a simple device, and doesn’t require a connection to your smartphone or computer to work.

After removing the pulse oximeter from its box, check the battery compartment and remove the plastic tab that is stopping the batteries from connecting to the device (the device should have come with batteries).

Using your Pulse Oximeter

When you’re ready to use the device, press the power button directly below the screen to turn it on. You should see the screen turn red.

Place the oximeter on your child’s index finger. Within 5-7 seconds, the oximeter will pick up your child’s heartrate and oxygen level. Make sure to report these in your sick visit.

Tips for using the Pulse Oximeter for children under 2 years old

Children under 2 years old may not get readings from the pulse oximeter using their index finger since it is too small. If the index finger is too small, try using their thumb or big toe. If still too small, we recommend using the pulse oximeter on their foot, just under the big toe.

Try to keep your child as still as possible while taking the reading. One way to help with this is to distract them with something to watch.

Make sure that the sensor is being covered by the finger or toe that you’re using to take a reading.