Publishing date:
August 20, 2024

Dry Chapped Lips on Newborn? A Pediatrician's Guide for New Parents

6 mins

Summary: This pediatrician's guide for new parents provides essential insights into the causes and solutions for dry, chapped lips in infants. It offers practical tips on prevention, safe treatments, and when to seek medical advice, ensuring your baby's comfort and health.

Dry Chapped Lips on Newborn? A Pediatrician's Guide for New Parents

So you’re wondering about dry, chapped lips on your newborn, baby, or infant? You’ve come to the right place. Dry lips can be a common concern for parents, especially in little ones who are still adjusting to their environment. Understanding the causes and solutions can help you provide comfort and care for your child's delicate skin. In this guide, we’ll explore the potential reasons behind this condition and offer practical tips to soothe and prevent further dryness.

Key Takeaways

  • Infants are prone to dry lips due to their sensitive skin, fewer oil glands, and external factors such as weather and dehydration.
  • Effective treatment for dry lips includes using natural remedies like petroleum jelly, coconut oil, and breast milk, while avoiding irritants like fragranced products and saliva.
  • Preventive measures to maintain infant lip hydration involve ensuring proper feeding, using humidifiers, and dressing appropriately for weather conditions.

Infants have exceptionally delicate baby's skin that is still adjusting to the external environment after birth. The natural protective layer of vernix, which covers a newborn baby in the womb, is lost after birth, making their skin more sensitive to external conditions. This sensitivity can lead to reactions that cause a baby’s lips to become chapped and dry.

Moreover, infants have fewer oil glands and a weaker oil barrier compared to adults, making them more prone to dry lips. External factors such as cold, dry air or adjustments to a new environment can also contribute to this condition.

In some cases, chapped lips can indicate insufficient nutrition and dehydration. Knowing these factors helps in effectively addressing and preventing dry lips in infants.

Common Causes of Infant Dry Lips

Various factors can lead to dry lips in infants, and identifying these causes is the first step toward effective treatment. The primary culprits include dehydration, weather conditions, and personal habits like lip licking and drooling. Each of these factors plays a significant role in making an infant’s lips dry and cracked. Newborn chapped lips are often caused by these factors and are a common issue among infants.

Identifying these causes assists in taking preventive measures and applying appropriate remedies.


Dehydration is a significant cause of chapped lips in infants. It can occur due to insufficient feeding or during hot weather when infants tend to lose moisture quickly. Signs of dehydration include chapped lips, reduced feeding, and fewer wet diapers. Even during breastfeeding, if the hydration is not sufficient, especially in hot weather, it can lead to dry lips. If dehydration persists, it can lead to chronic chapped lips, which may require medical attention.

Monitoring the frequency of wet diapers is crucial to assess an infant’s hydration level. Feeding the baby more frequently during hot weather can help prevent dehydration and keep their lips moist.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions play a pivotal role in the moisture levels of an infant’s lips and can also lead to dry skin. Cold and dry weather can exacerbate the dryness. The cold, dry air quickly causes moisture loss, leading to chapped lips. Similarly, extreme temperatures and wind can remove moisture from the lips, causing them to become dry and cracked.

Exposure to the sun, changes in weather, and variations in humidity levels are also contributing factors. Protecting infants from harsh conditions helps prevent their lips from drying out.

Lip Licking and Drooling

Infants often lick their lips or drool, which can lead to dryness. Lip licking draws saliva to the lips, which then dehydrates them through evaporation. The friction from activities like lip licking, sucking, or breastfeeding can cause chapped lips in infants.

Discouraging infants from licking or biting their lips is necessary as these actions can worsen dryness. Instead, using a soothing product like lip balm can help keep their lips moisturized. Saliva evaporation from drooling can also dry out the lips, leading to increased dryness and cracking.

Recognizing Symptoms of Dry Lips in Infants

Recognizing the symptoms of dry lips in infants is crucial for timely intervention. Chapped lips in babies may appear sore, red, or dry, and can feel dry to the touch. Common signs include cracked, red, dry lips, and possibly bleeding. The skin around the lips may darken, and cracks can deepen, potentially leading to bleeding.

If a baby exhibits chapped lips along with fever and red eyes, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. Monitor for additional symptoms if chapped lips persist without improvement.

Remedies for Treating Dry Lips in Infants

Treating dry lips in infants involves using safe and effective remedies to soothe and moisturize baby's lips. Petroleum jelly, coconut oil, and breast milk are among the most recommended treatments as they provide moisture and healing properties. Applying a nourishing stick can form a protective barrier against harsh conditions.

It’s also crucial to dress the infant appropriately and manage home temperature to help maintain moisture in their lips. For infants with sensitive skin, use skincare products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

Applying Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a safe and effective product for moisturizing infant lips. It forms a protective barrier that locks in moisture, preventing dryness. Reapplying petroleum jelly throughout the day can maintain moisture on an infant’s lips and prevent them from becoming dry and cracked.

Regular use of petroleum jelly can keep infant lips hydrated and soothe chapped lips. This simple remedy is a staple for treating dry lips in infants.

Coconut Oil Application

Coconut oil is a natural remedy for healing dry lips in infants. Its properties moisturize and soothe chapped lips. To apply coconut oil, dab it on a disinfected finger and rub it onto the infant’s lips. Alternatively, melting the coconut oil before gently rubbing it on the infant’s lips can also be effective.

Lauric acid, a main component of coconut oil, aids in healing dry lips. Coconut oil is often more palatable for infants, making it a suitable option for their lips.

Breast Milk Benefits

Breast milk provides hydration and has healing properties for dry lips in infants. It hydrates and speeds up healing. Gently apply breast milk to dry lips to heal cracked lips by dabbing with a finger or using a clean nose instead of rubbing.

Breast milk is always available at feeding times, making it a convenient treatment for infant dry lips. This natural method can soothe and moisturize dry lips and may help lower the risk of infections.

Using Baby-Safe Lip Balm

Using baby-safe lip balms with natural ingredients is generally recommended for infants. A recommended product for moisturizing newborn lips is the Nourishing Stick with Cold Cream, which is made up of 96% plant-based ingredients, including Cold Cream, ceramides, shea butter, and avocado perseose.

Mustela products, including the recommended lip balm, are free from parabens, phthalates, and phenoxyethanol. Using baby-safe lip balms treats dry lips in infants and ensures their sensitive skin is not irritated.

What to Avoid When Treating Infant Dry Lips

Certain products and actions should be avoided to prevent further irritation when treating dry lips in infants. Using products with fragrances or harsh chemicals can worsen the irritation of dry lips in infants. Saliva can also exacerbate dryness on a baby’s lips due to its irritating properties.

Products that should not be applied to a baby’s chapped lips include fragrances, harsh chemicals, saliva, and spicy or acidic foods. Avoiding these can help in the effective treatment to treat chapped lips and prevention of dry lips.

Fragranced Products

Avoid using products with fragrances or harsh chemicals on baby’s lips to prevent irritation and dryness. Products that contain fragrances, dyes, or harsh chemicals can exacerbate dryness and should be avoided.

For infants with sensitive skin, using fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products is essential to prevent further irritation and to soothe chapped lips.

Saliva Application

Saliva is a natural fluid that can sometimes be mistakenly thought to provide hydration to dry lips. However, when an infant licks or drools on their lips, the moisture from saliva can evaporate quickly, leading to further dryness. The evaporation of saliva not only removes moisture but also causes irritation, making the lips feel drier and more uncomfortable.

Parents should discourage infants from licking their lips and consider using other treatments for dry lips instead of relying on saliva. This will help in effectively treating and preventing dry lips in infants.

Spicy or Acidic Foods

Avoid feeding infants spicy or acidic foods as they can worsen irritation. Spicy and acidic foods should be avoided as they can irritate sensitive lips in infants. Introducing spicy or acidic foods can lead to further irritation of a baby’s already sensitive lips.

Sticking to easy-to-digest foods can help in preventing dryness and irritation.

Preventive Measures for Keeping Infant Lips Moisturized

Preventing dry lips in infants involves taking proactive measures to maintain moisture. Regular hydration helps prevent dry lips in infants. Maintaining a comfortable home temperature and using a humidifier can help keep the air moist and protect the baby’s lips. Taking these preventive measures can help prevent chapped lips and keep your baby’s lips healthy.

Limiting a baby’s hands’ contact with their lips can also help reduce dryness and promote healing. Protecting infants from harsh weather by dressing them suitably and shielding their lips from sun and wind exposure is crucial.

Hydration Tips

Parents should ensure regular feedings and monitor wet diapers to maintain their baby’s hydration. In hot weather, it’s important to continue regular feeding to help prevent dehydration. Breastmilk or formula is the main source of nourishment for infants in their first few months, helping keep them hydrated.

Adequate hydration is crucial for infants’ health and comfort. This helps in preventing dry lips and maintaining overall well-being.

Using a Humidifier

Using a humidifier helps to add moisture to the air, which is beneficial in dry conditions. Increased moisture levels in the air can help soothe and prevent dryness of the lips in infants. Keeping the air moist is crucial for preventing dry lips in infants, especially in dry environments.

A humidifier can be a valuable tool in maintaining a comfortable environment for your infant and ensuring their lips stay moisturized.

Proper Clothing for Weather

Protective clothing is essential for infants in cold and dry weather to prevent lip chapping. Dressing infants in layers helps protect their sensitive lips from extreme temperatures.

Dressing infants appropriately for the weather protects their sensitive skin and lips from drying out. This helps in preventing dry lips and ensuring their overall comfort.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If your newborn's chapped lips persist or worsen, consult your Blueberry  pediatrician. Seek medical advice if your baby exhibits additional symptoms such as fever or red eyes. If there is no improvement in your newborn’s chapped lips after home treatment, consult a pediatrician.

Consult a pediatrician before applying any new product to a newborn’s lips. If a baby’s lip blister does not resolve, consult a pediatrician or lactation consultant. The initial step in treating baby chapped lips is to consult your doctor. Getting professional advice is important.

To wrap it up 

Understanding the causes and remedies for dry lips in infants is crucial for their comfort and health. Infants develop dry lips due to their sensitive skin, environmental factors, and personal habits like lip licking. Recognizing the symptoms early, such as redness, cracking, and dryness, allows for prompt treatment with safe and effective remedies like petroleum jelly, coconut oil, and breast milk.

Preventive measures, including proper hydration, using a humidifier, and dressing infants appropriately for the weather, can help keep their lips moisturized. It is also essential to avoid fragranced products, saliva application, and spicy or acidic foods that can exacerbate dryness. Always consult a pediatrician if symptoms persist or worsen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary causes of dry lips in infants?

The primary causes of dry lips in infants are dehydration, environmental factors such as cold or dry weather, and habits like lip licking and excessive drooling. Ensuring proper hydration and maintaining a moist environment can help prevent this issue.

How can I recognize dry lips in my infant?

You can recognize dry lips in your infant by observing sore, red, and cracked lips, which may even bleed. Additionally, the skin around the lips may appear darker.

What are the best remedies for treating dry lips in infants?

The best remedies for treating dry lips in infants include applying petroleum jelly, coconut oil, breast milk, and using baby-safe lip balms. These options provide moisture and protection to soothe and heal dry lips effectively.

What should I avoid when treating my baby's dry lips?

To effectively treat your baby's dry lips, avoid fragranced products, applying saliva, and feeding them spicy or acidic foods. These factors can exacerbate the dryness and irritation.

When should I seek medical advice for my baby's dry lips?

You should seek medical advice for your baby's dry lips if the condition persists, worsens, or if you notice additional symptoms such as fever or red eyes. Taking prompt action can ensure your baby's health is prioritized.

Dry Lips in Infants: Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

Are you concerned about your newborn, baby, or infant having dry, chapped lips? You’re in the right place! Dry lips are a common worry for parents, especially with little ones who are still getting used to their surroundings. By understanding the causes and solutions, you can help keep your child’s delicate skin comfortable and healthy. In this guide, we’ll cover why this happens and offer practical tips to soothe and prevent dry lips in infants.

Key Takeaways

  • Sensitive Skin: Infants are prone to dry lips due to their sensitive skin and fewer oil glands, combined with factors like weather and dehydration.
  • Natural Remedies: Effective treatments include using petroleum jelly, coconut oil, and breast milk while avoiding irritants like fragranced products and saliva.
  • Preventive Measures: Keeping your baby hydrated, using humidifiers, and dressing appropriately for the weather can help maintain lip moisture.
  • Blueberry Pediatrics: As a member, you can always consult a pediatrician in minutes for any concerns about your baby’s health.

Why Do Infants Develop Dry Lips?

Infants have incredibly delicate skin that is still adjusting to life outside the womb. The protective layer called vernix, which covers a baby in the womb, is lost after birth, making their skin more sensitive to external conditions. This sensitivity can cause their lips to become chapped and dry.

Additionally, infants have fewer oil glands and a weaker oil barrier compared to adults, making them more prone to dryness. External factors such as cold, dry air or adjustments to a new environment can also contribute to this condition. Sometimes, dry lips can be a sign of dehydration or insufficient nutrition.

Common Causes of Infant Dry Lips


Dehydration can happen due to insufficient feeding or during hot weather when babies lose moisture quickly. Signs of dehydration include chapped lips, reduced feeding, and fewer wet diapers. Even during breastfeeding, if hydration isn't enough, especially in hot weather, it can lead to dry lips. Ensuring frequent feedings and monitoring wet diapers can help keep your baby hydrated and their lips moist.

Weather Conditions

Weather plays a significant role in an infant’s lip moisture. Cold and dry air can quickly cause moisture loss, leading to chapped lips. Similarly, extreme temperatures and wind can dry out the lips. Protecting your baby from harsh weather helps prevent dryness.

Lip Licking and Drooling

Babies often lick their lips or drool, which can lead to dryness. Lip licking brings saliva to the lips, which then evaporates, leaving them dry. Drooling can have a similar effect. Using a soothing product like lip balm can help keep their lips moisturized.

Recognizing Symptoms of Dry Lips in Infants

Chapped lips in babies may look sore, red, or dry, and feel dry to the touch. You might notice cracks, redness, or even bleeding. If you see these signs along with other symptoms like fever or red eyes, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.

Remedies for Treating Dry Lips in Infants

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a safe and effective product for moisturizing infant lips. It forms a protective barrier that locks in moisture. Applying it regularly throughout the day can keep your baby’s lips hydrated and prevent dryness.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural remedy that moisturizes and soothes chapped lips. You can dab a bit on your clean finger and gently apply it to your baby’s lips. Its healing properties make it a great option.

Breast Milk

Breast milk is not only nourishing but also has healing properties. Gently apply a bit to your baby’s dry lips to help soothe and moisturize them.

Baby-Safe Lip Balm

Using baby-safe lip balms with natural ingredients can also help. Look for products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic to avoid further irritation.

What to Avoid When Treating Infant Dry Lips

Avoid products with fragrances or harsh chemicals, as they can worsen the irritation. Also, saliva can actually dry out the lips more, so try to discourage your baby from licking their lips. Avoid spicy or acidic foods as well, as they can cause further irritation.

Preventive Measures for Keeping Infant Lips Moisturized


Regular feedings and monitoring wet diapers can help keep your baby hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for preventing dry lips and maintaining overall well-being.

Using a Humidifier

A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help prevent dryness. This is especially useful in dry environments or during winter when indoor air tends to be drier.

Proper Clothing for Weather

Dressing your baby in layers can protect their sensitive skin and lips from extreme temperatures. Ensure they are properly bundled up in cold weather to prevent dryness.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If your baby’s chapped lips persist or worsen, consult your Blueberry Pediatrician. As a Blueberry Pediatrics member, you can always consult a pediatrician in minutes for any concerns about your baby’s health. Additional symptoms like fever or red eyes warrant medical attention. Always consult a pediatrician before applying new products to your baby’s lips.


Understanding the causes and remedies for dry lips in infants is crucial for their comfort and health. Recognizing symptoms early and using safe, effective treatments can help soothe and heal dry lips. Preventive measures like proper hydration, using a humidifier, and dressing appropriately for the weather can keep your baby’s lips healthy. Always consult a Blueberry Pediatrician if symptoms persist or worsen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary causes of dry lips in infants? The primary causes are dehydration, environmental factors such as cold or dry weather, and habits like lip licking and excessive drooling.

How can I recognize dry lips in my infant? You can recognize dry lips by observing sore, red, and cracked lips, which may even bleed. The skin around the lips may appear darker.

What are the best remedies for treating dry lips in infants? The best remedies include applying petroleum jelly, coconut oil, breast milk, and using baby-safe lip balms.

What should I avoid when treating my baby's dry lips? Avoid fragranced products, applying saliva, and feeding them spicy or acidic foods.

When should I seek medical advice for my baby's dry lips? Seek medical advice if the condition persists, worsens, or if you notice additional symptoms such as fever or red eyes.

Feel free to reach out with any more questions or concerns!

Written by
Blueberry Editorial Team
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Medically reviewed by
Dr. Jonathan Jassey
Dr. Jonathan Jassey graduated from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and has been a private pediatrician since 2007. He is the co-author of "The Newborn Sleep Book," based on his tremendous success with his methods. Dr. Jassey has received the Patients’ Choice Award for three consecutive years, which is given to practitioners who have gotten near-perfect scores by votes from patients, as well as the Compassionate Doctor Recognition Award. He is board-certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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